Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Meeting Reminder

Don’t forget, Frugal Pals, tomorrow, December 8th, is our first ever Cookie Exchange AND “re-gifting” party!

If you’d like to participate in the cookie exchange, just bring two dozen cookies and take two dozen home!!

We’ve all been given gifts that we’re never going to use, haven’t we? You receive them, say “Oh – it’s so lovely-thanks so very much!” and then put it in a dark closet never to be seen again. Well, here’s your chance to get rid of that white elephant!! Just bring as many of them as you like and take that same number of re-gifts home and to make it more interesting – wrap them up! You may end up with something you really like or a great frugal gift for that special someone on your holiday gift-list! No buying anything new for this party (that would defeat the frugal purpose) – re-gifts only, please!

Lastly, thanks again to all the Frugal Pals who participated in the October "Hobby Swap!" What a great success! Lucky attendees went home with BAGS of goodies including scrap-booking and crafting supplies, sewing stuff, and hobby enthusiast magazines galore!

Hope to see you all tomorrow (Bldg 5-203 at noon) and best wishes to you and yours for a frugal and fabulous holiday season!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Swap Day is Here! Don't Miss It!!!

It's that time again!

Come join the Frugal Club, today, for a
Frugal Clothing Swap,
Sept. 22, 12-1pm in Bldg 5-203!
Hope to see you there!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Upcoming Frugal Meetings!

Frugal Club member Cara reports regarding the August 25th meeting: "At today’s Frugal Club meeting, we made some plans for upcoming months and changed some dates around (pending room availability). Please make note and mark your calendars – all meetings are scheduled in 5-203 at noon. "

"September 22nd – Our semi-annual clothing and accessory swap. Start cleaning out your closets now! It’s been 6 months since our last, really successful, swap and it’s time to do it again."

"October 27th – A hobby swap! Lots of our members have gotten into – and out of – hobbies that are now crowding the storage spaces. If you have scrapbooking supplies, beading/jewelry supplies, knitting, quilting, soap making, candle making – whatever! – supplies that you’d like to swap with others, bring it to this meeting."

"December 8th – We’ve decided to merge the 11/24 and the 12/15 meeting into one meeting on the 8th. At this meeting, we plan to have a cookie exchange AND a “re-gifting” party! If you’d like to participate in the cookie exchange, bring two dozen cookies and take two dozen home. As far as the “re-gifting” party goes – we’ve all been given gifts that were never going to use, haven’t we? You receive them, say “Oh – it’s so beautiful!” and then put it in a closet never to be seen again. Well, here’s your chance to get rid of that white elephant. Oh – and to make it more interesting – wrap it up. Then we’ll exchange our re-gifts. Bring as many of them as you like and take that same number home. You may end up with something you really like! No buying anything new for this party (that would defeat the frugal purpose) – re-gifts only!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Frugal Club Meets Today!!

Updates for August Frugal Club meeting:

  • Want to keep up with all the daily deals online, visit to get up to the minute info on the most popular daily deals to be found!
  • Attention Frugal photogs: If you register with a new account on Walgreens between now and Aug. 24, you’ll be credited with 25 free 4×6 photo prints. They’ll charge for shipping, however you can get that fee waived if you opt for in-store pickup.
  • Coupon site update- here's a link to a newly discovered coupon site (thanks, Frugal Member Diana!)...check it out and let the group know what you think:
  • Don't forget to check out Kmart- from time to time they are offering double-coupon shopping!!

July Frugal Club Meeting Updates:

Big thanks to Frugal Club member Cara for providing the following report of the discussion from the July 2009 meeting:

  • We discussed the “Cash for Clunkers” bill – details are at Sadly, this program is reported to end on Monday, August 24th, 2009.
  • We discussed the 10 most and least expensive cars to insure – visit this site for more information!
  • Good to know: According to info found by a frugal gal, 42% of employers (including gov’t) are pulling credit reports on potential job candidates – especially those dealing with money. Jobseekers should note that head hunters and hiring agencies are looking for the “Highest quality individuals”, it just makes sense (and cents!!) to keep being frugal....
  • In consideration of the challenging economic environment, many finance wizards recommend a 3-tiered emergency fund - $500 in cash in your house, $1000 in a checking or savings account, and 6 months of income in a CD. This is a goal everyone should work towards!
  • Keep your frugal bucks safe!! To thwart of would be thieves, hide that $1000 in emergency cash at home. Consider hiding it in the following places: tinfoil wrapped in the freezer, in a picture frame between the photo and the cardboard, the “soil” of a fake plant, under an extremely heavy piece of furniture, and in a used can of soup-stacked with other cans. One member related the story of a break-in at her home and said the only thing that wasn’t touched in her house was the garbage pail. Now she keeps emergency cash in a ziplock between the garbage liner and the pail.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July Meeting Reminder!

The Frugal Club will meet on Tuesday, July 28, 12-1:00 p.m., Bldg. 3- PDC Conference Room. Hope to see you there!!

To hold you over until the next meeting, enjoy these specialty frugal tips:

For eyeglass coupons that are reportedly a better deal than some benefit plans, check out what JC Penny's has to offer here... if you try and buy, share your experience with others!

For the frugal techie, here's a great site to check out. Let us know what you think...

For the frugal super-shopper who must have a bit of retail therapy every now and then, here's a great site chock full of frugal tips and savings links. Enjoy!

June/July Frugal Update!

In hopes of offering some cool savings to help ease the sweltering summer heat, here are a few updates from our summer Frugal Club meetings: - Visit Betty and click on "Coupons" on the upper right menu bar. A link to sign up for coupons pops up and per one Frugal pal, the savings are great! Check it out and tell us what you think! - Don't forget to visit our favorite dough-boy for great savings and cool recipes! Click on "Coupons" at upper right at start saving! Also, check out CNN today...there's a banner ad running to check out samples of FiberOne products and a link to coupons if you provide your email address... the ads change periodically, so you may have to hunt. Similar savings, sans the offer of free samples, are available on the coupons page of the site too! - Great tips here from a frugal father- a really informing and fun read along with some really great links to articles on saving money and other frugal interests. Enjoy! -As suggested by a Frugal club pal, check out this link for guidance on "real financial advice for the rest of us" from finance guru- Dave Ramsey- a great frugal read (just in time for summer!) Dave's site: - For some frugal fun, visit Old Navy online...move your mouse over the web page and find amusing stuff and maybe a really cool coupon offer (note: coupon/savings changes location often). - Here's a great site with varied frugal tips, tricks, and advice. Take a look and tell us what you think... - Another frugal blog with great tips and links. Check it out!

Frugal Update!

Summer greetings, Frugal pals!

Frugal-awareness is spreading- could it be a pandemic?
Check out this great article on other frugally-minded citizens in our community...

For your review, I've pulled the links provided in the article and listed them below!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rainy day bargains!

Dreary days call for a few sweet deals. The following frugal updates have been generously contributed by various Frugal club members. Enjoy! (bargain updates galore) (free chocolate-seriously!! Only on Friday's though!!)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Today's the day to be inspired to think green, live green, and save green! Being a conscious consumer is one of the first steps you can take to lessen your impact on our precious planet. The Frugal Club encourages you to explore the beauty and bounty of saving!

To learn more about what you can do to make every day Earth Day, click on the following links:

And, just in case you've had enough of being told what TO do, we offer this link for "what NOT to do" :)

Remember, challenge yourself everyday to be a frugal citizen...

Happy Earth Day 2009!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Frugal Bounty!

Just in time to celebrate Mother Earth, arrives a bounty of frugal savings! We send frugal thanks from the bottom of our thrifty pockets to our very own Bargain Huntress Extraordinaire (aka Cara) and savvy saving Frugal member Kelly for the following:
Sign up for free aluminum foil on 4/22/09!! As you click and save, remember to chant: "reduce, reuse, recycle"
Coupons for Soldiers program! Per Cara, if you’d prefer to bring your outdated and unwanted manufacturer coupons to Cara, she'll send them to her soldiers! Frugal and patriotic!!
Online coupon codes for 30,000 online stores!
Rebates on online purchases! – More rebates!
Think you know your bargains? Test your savvy saving skills and beat the prices you find online!
Sign up for Quiznos coupons-Yum!
Sign up for Ruby Tuesday coupons!
Visit Earthbound Farm Organics, take their Monday Pledge on 4/27 and get a free reusable tote bag!

A note regarding some coupon printing sites- usually, you'll be required to download and install a coupon printer (ex. which will track your printing and limit you to 2 printings of each coupon. This is standard practice. If you're unsure if a site is legit, ask a fellow Frugal member to see if they've had success-get ready to click, print, and save!
Printable coupons for online merchants, walk-in retailers, restaurants and more!
Printable manufacturer’s coupons.
Alphabetical listing of all unexpired newspaper coupons.

10 Green Tips for Earth Day 2009!!

In honor of Earth Day 2009, which is tomorrow, April 22, celebrate awareness by considering these helpful tips (thanks to fellow blogger-Suddenly Frugal-

  1. Recycle: This Earth Day, take a good hard look at your trash, and make sure you’re recycling as much as possible. Don’t forget about e-Waste like cell phones, MP3’s and laptops–they can all be recycled and repurposed, via retailers or household hazardous waste collection events in your community. Be responsible about your "disposables," and take care to lessen your impact on already overflowing landfills-while supporting agencies that help others.
  2. Freecycle (TM): I don’t have to tell you about my love for If you haven’t yet given Freecycle a try, why not do so in time for Earth Day? This is a great way to recycle and trade onward right here in your own community using the power of grassroots connectivity!
  3. Reuse. Leave behind paper plates, plastic forks and any other disposables. Choose reusable serving pieces instead. Also, figure out ways you can reuse items around the house like so you can keep them out of the trash. Remember the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Make it your mantra and be a earth-savvy shopper! Re-using empty kitty litter containers as garden waterers and non-potable water storage for hurricane season is easy and earth-friendly. Cottage cheese containers are great storage bins; great for nuts and bolts, and for small toys for tiny hands. Using cloth napkins adds a nice touch to at-home meals without the impact of paper garbage and check out your detergent. Are you getting the greenest clean for your buck? Many earth-friendly and super-cleaning options are available at major retailers.
  4. Wallet Activism: Look for products made from recycled materials, natural ingredients, and minimal or biodegradable packaging. By supporting eco-friendly companies your green supports the greater green. Drive-thru tip- unless you need it, say "no" to napkins and plastic ware...odds are, it ends up in the "junk drawer" at home and eventually the garbage, anyway. Also remember that buying local is the key. Supporting local business is supporting and sustaining your local community!!
  5. Park It: Celebrate the beauty of spring with a walk when you could have driven. Carpool, take public transport, ride your bike. If you can’t do it every day, try once a week. When you do drive, make sure you pump up your tires so you can deflate your fill-ups. Remember-SunTran stops on campus-have you ridden the bus lately? It's a great way to lessen your carbon footprint. Taking the bus just once a week, or even once a month is a small step towards aware living!
  6. Junk It: Putting the kibosh on junk mail and catalogues will save you time, save landfill space and save millions of trees. Use services like to opt out of receiving catalogs in the mail. This is a simple way to empty your snail-mailbox, lessen your impact on the local landfill, and be a savvy shopper. Most retailers offer a more expanded selection of items online than in print, so before you check "yes" to receive a catalog, take a moment to browse the electronic highway. Sensible shopping for a greener planet!
  7. Bills. Bills. Bills. Try to go paperless for your banking, bill paying and at the ATM. Many service providers and retailers including banking, insurance, and credit companies offer discounts and reduced fees if you opt to go digital instead of getting paper copies. And just think, paperless means you'll have to hear that annoying shredder just a little less often!
  8. Live Life Locally: Support your local farmers while enjoying fresh produce and organically grown goodies. Visit a website like to find local farm stands and farmers’ markets near you. This is a proactive solution to getting the best groceries and supporting local agriculture. Being a conscious consumer means that you shop close to home and take advantage of the local bounty. Check out co-ops too-bulk buying is a super savvy way to shop smart-you never know, a green grower could be just around the corner!!
  9. Say Y-E-S to CFL’s: You’ll save time, money and energy by swapping regular, incandescent light bulbs for the compact fluorescent kind. Check online for recommended ways of disposing of your non-CFL bulbs and swap out only once the non-CFL has burned out. Also, check out your favorite home improvement stores and light bulb manufacturer online for coupons and rebates for CFL purchases.
  10. Spread the Word: Tell your friends how easy it is to shave off some carbon here, save some resources there and conserve a little energy here. And then they can tell their friends. And then they can tell their friends… Perhaps the most important frugal advice out there! Share what you know and celebrate being savvy-EARTH-savers together!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Frugal Update!

In recent weeks, frugal club members have been hard at work trading tested saving secrets, advice on retirement funding, handbags and really great accessories (what a hit that exchange was!!), magazines, coupons, and some really great tips on how to get the most out of spending less. Thanks to all who participated in the accessory exchange. It was a huge success!! Thanks to Frugal member Barb who offered really valuable advice on personal asset management and retirement-with a nifty PowerPoint-be sure to send her an email if you'd like a copy of the presentation. As a group, we've also begun to do a bit more research resulting in a soon-to-be updated savvy-saving website list, and forged some pretty fabulous friendships along the way. As always, if you have frugal discoveries you'd like to share, be sure to drop a line or come to a meeting! Until then, keep saving!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Forget: Accessory Swap Today!

The success of the first clothing swap has inspired more sharing!! Join the Frugal Club today, Tuesday, March 31st from 12:00-1:00 pm for an accessory exchange! Come browse the frugal offerings and bring your own previously adored items (belts, scarves, shoes, purses, jewelry, etc.) to exchange with other members. Jazz up your wardrobe the frugal way! Any unloved items remaining after the exchange will be donated to local charitable organizations. Hope to see you there!!

Meeting Updates: Tuesday, March 24th

In case you missed it, here's a recap of the last Frugal Club Meeting... (thanks, Cara!)

Grab a Cart and GO-Coupon Alert! Here's a a website that lists printable manufacturer’s coupons, listed by product name: This site lets you take your grocery list and find matching coupons that you can print off before you run to the store.

More Green for your Green Thumb!! This site sells trees and plants essentially for free – you only pay shipping and handling. The site boasts “each year millions of high quality plants go unsold and are destroyed. Thousands of workers with disabilities need jobs. We locate unsold plants, have them packaged by those workers, and... The Plants are Yours Free! You pay only for processing packing and shipping.” Frugal Club gardeners invite and appreciate feedback regarding your shopping experience with this merchant!

Thanks to Frugal Club member, Mercy, for sharing this resource guide to frugal home remedies. . Please remember to always consult your physician for care of serious medical conditions. Among the penny savvy and pain-saving cure-alls offered: ease a sore throat by mixing ¼ c of vinegar with ¼ c honey -take a tablespoon 6 times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria and the honey soothes the pain.

Thanks also to Frugal Club member, Amber, for sharing a bit of her artistic side and a super savvy shopping tip: Visit - an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. If you’re into crafting, this might be the site where you can make your fortune!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fashion Swap Alert!

The success of the first clothing swap has inspired more sharing!!

Join the Frugal Club on Tuesday, March 31st, 12:00-1:00 pm for an accessory exchange! Bring your donations of previously adored items (belts, scarves, shoes, purses, etc.) to exchange with other members and jazz up your wardrobe the frugal way! Any unloved items remaining after the exchange will be donated to local charitable organizations. Hope to see you there!!

Frugal Parent Tip:

Frugal Club member Barb offers the following frugal advice for savvy savers with teens at home:

To save gas, wear and tear and maybe even a life, consider this when handing over the keys to your vehicle to teenage drivers:

* Keep a mileage log in the car. Drivers log their mileage and pay an actual rate per mile instead of filling the gas tank.
* Current government mileage-reimbursement rates are a good guide.

This means that:
* teenage drivers learn the real cost of using a vehicle when the mileage charge takes into account insurance and maintenance costs as well as gasoline used.
* drivers suddenly become careful about the distance they drive.
* you know how far they are driving.
* maintenance costs should decrease as fewer total miles are driven.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Clothing Swap!

REMINDER: Don't forget!!! Today is the first Frugal Club clothing swap!! Frugal members are encouraged to bring well-loved but still fabulous clothing to the exchange. Accessories are welcome too! You may very well come away with a new wardrobe!! Comments and suggestions regarding today's swap are encouraged!

Meeting Updates!

Cool links, great ideas, and topics of discussion at recent meetings:
  • Want to really see some money saved-check this out: First step, get your prescription form your doctor, then shop here for a great bargain on top quality eyeglasses. These glasses (a huge variety) only cost between $15 and $30.
  • Angel Food Ministries, At this site, you can purchase various pre-packed baskets of foods at reasonable prices. This is a church run organization-several churches in Marion County participate.
  • At a recent meeting, the group discusses the new supermarket, Aldi Foods (located on Easy Street near What-A-Burger). According to several frugal shoppers, there are certain foods that are very worthwhile (a gal of Milk is at least a buck cheaper than anywhere else) but there was minor concern over whether families used to brand named items would go for discounted brands. Further feedback on shopping experiences at Aldi is encouraged and appreciated.
  • At a recent meeting, Cara discussed selling/disposing of broken electronics on eBay, Craigslist, and Freecycle. Cara recently sold a broken iphone on eBay for $150. Also advertised a broken TV on Freecycle (repair costs exceeded its value) and someone hauled it away in a day.
  • Per Cara, is still proving semi-lucrative. She reports earning $14 in two weeks filling out surveys while watching TV!!!
  • Welcome new member: Tony Belden!! At his first meeting, our newest frugal pal offered several good ideas and back issues of Consumer Reports to peruse. Thanks, Tony!
  • REMINDER: Don't forget!!! The first Frugal Club clothing swap is next Tuesday, March 10th!! Frugal members are encouraged to bring well-loved but still fabulous clothing to the exchange. Accessories are welcome too! You may very well come away with a new wardrobe!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Frugal Travel Rewards

Per Lana, this is a great site to earn much coveted and highly valued "travel miles" simply by "viewing and responding to marketing messages" like answering surveys and such. So check it out, answer a few questions, rate services, and maybe even test-view a new TV show, all for free, and rack up miles/points for travel on your designated carrier while you're having a little frugal fun. To learn more visit:

Frugal Reading!

For all you frugal readers, check out this well-read site where you can sell your previously loved paper back books in exchange for new-to-you books. Tried and tested by several Frugal Club members, this site promises pages and pages of frugal fun. Read all about it at:

Clothing Exchange!!

At the Feb. 10 meeting, plans were discussed for a clothing exchange. Tentatively scheduled for March 10, the exchange will be of clothes in good condition, previously adored and ready to be loved by new admirers. All sizes okay-accessories too! Leftovers will be donated to Interfaith and Rape Crisis centers of Ocala/Marion County. Remember, FREE is the best way to be frugal so contact Cara for more information.

What's the Deal??

What's the deal? Dillyeo!!! A frugal and fun site-every day a new deal. Some days, the deal is a gift certificate to use on the site and the deal is that the gift certificate is priced at waaaaay below face value. Essentially, it's like free money!! The deals range from weird kitchen gadgets to navigation electronics. The also provide comparative shopping info that you can double-check just to see how frugal their deal really is. You never know, so check it daily, sign up for the notifications, and catch a great bargain. What's the deal? Find it here....

Clark Howard-CNN-Frugal Sites

Here's the link Lana shared at the Frugal Club meeting on Feb. 10. To view the list of websites she shared, scroll down the page and look on the right. You'll see the full listing there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coupons & Catfood

At the February 3rd meeting, Cara shared the following coupon and money saving websites:

Note: Please remember to check with your grocery store manager or customer service rep to ensure that web-printed coupons are accepted at your store of choice. Savvy shoppers have had much luck at Winn Dixie, Publix (who will also take competitor's coupons) and other stores. Happy Shopping!

Thriving on Less

Here’s a link to the "Thriving on Less" article Cara shared at the Feb.3rd meeting:

Frugal Living

At a recent meeting, Cara shared an e-zine article on Frugal Living. The article is available as a PDF from Cara or you can visit the following link and access this article and many more on finance and frugality by E-Zine expert author Martin Lukac:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Saving Dough

At the February 3rd Frugal Club meeting, the "how to" of freezing bread was mentioned. To add to our discussion, check out this interesting frugal-focused site that further explores saving dough, both in your wallet and your freezer!

Frugal Travel Abroad

Gate1 Travel: At last week's meeting I mentioned this travel company that I've used on non-guided trips to several countries in Eastern Europe. With this agency, I've visited Paris, Rome, Geneva, Vienna, Prague, and Budapest during the last 5 years. Because I travel on a strict budget (which allows for a larger shopping budget!!) this site has worked well for me because it offers competitive rates on inclusive packages. Generally, I travel abroad for a week on a budget (airfare and lodging only) of approximately $1,000 and I travel during Thanksgiving week which puts you in most places in early winter which results in less crowds and lower prices-and no turkey cooking!! This may not be ideal for every traveler.

Regarding accommodations, it should be noted that hotels in Europe, if you aren’t familiar, are not always of comparable standards to U.S. hotels, especially the more affordable establishments. I’ve stayed in several budget hotels abroad that had wonderful staff and nice accommodations and I’ve stayed in luxury hotels in the states that I would never return's all relative to what you want your lodging to be like. I strongly suggest investigating online any hotel abroad (or in the states for that matter) that you may wish to be a guest at. Traveler review websites are a huge help and often provide info that is not advertised on the hotel website. Also, I'm a huge proponent of public transportation, so I've not rented a car with Gate 1 on any of the travels listed above. Instead, in most cities, I purchased a metro (subway) card and traveled with the locals, which is the best way to travel. I've also had very good luck purchasing museum passes (which allow for entrance at mutliple museums for one price-a bargain in Paris). Remember, be a world traveler, not a tourist and you'll have a much better experience abroad. If anyone is considering an adventure to Europe, I’d be glad to share the tips and tricks I've learned from other savvy travelers. For examples of frugal travel deals visit