In case you missed it, here's a recap of the last Frugal Club Meeting... (thanks, Cara!)
Grab a Cart and GO-Coupon Alert! Here's a a website that lists printable manufacturer’s coupons, listed by product name: This site lets you take your grocery list and find matching coupons that you can print off before you run to the store.
More Green for your Green Thumb!! This site sells trees and plants essentially for free – you only pay shipping and handling. The site boasts “each year millions of high quality plants go unsold and are destroyed. Thousands of workers with disabilities need jobs. We locate unsold plants, have them packaged by those workers, and... The Plants are Yours Free! You pay only for processing packing and shipping.” Frugal Club gardeners invite and appreciate feedback regarding your shopping experience with this merchant!
Thanks to Frugal Club member, Mercy, for sharing this resource guide to frugal home remedies. . Please remember to always consult your physician for care of serious medical conditions. Among the penny savvy and pain-saving cure-alls offered: ease a sore throat by mixing ¼ c of vinegar with ¼ c honey -take a tablespoon 6 times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria and the honey soothes the pain.
Thanks also to Frugal Club member, Amber, for sharing a bit of her artistic side and a super savvy shopping tip: Visit - an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. If you’re into crafting, this might be the site where you can make your fortune!
The first 3 links require a username & password. Not able to connect to the sites at all.