Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Forget: Accessory Swap Today!

The success of the first clothing swap has inspired more sharing!! Join the Frugal Club today, Tuesday, March 31st from 12:00-1:00 pm for an accessory exchange! Come browse the frugal offerings and bring your own previously adored items (belts, scarves, shoes, purses, jewelry, etc.) to exchange with other members. Jazz up your wardrobe the frugal way! Any unloved items remaining after the exchange will be donated to local charitable organizations. Hope to see you there!!

Meeting Updates: Tuesday, March 24th

In case you missed it, here's a recap of the last Frugal Club Meeting... (thanks, Cara!)

Grab a Cart and GO-Coupon Alert! Here's a a website that lists printable manufacturer’s coupons, listed by product name: This site lets you take your grocery list and find matching coupons that you can print off before you run to the store.

More Green for your Green Thumb!! This site sells trees and plants essentially for free – you only pay shipping and handling. The site boasts “each year millions of high quality plants go unsold and are destroyed. Thousands of workers with disabilities need jobs. We locate unsold plants, have them packaged by those workers, and... The Plants are Yours Free! You pay only for processing packing and shipping.” Frugal Club gardeners invite and appreciate feedback regarding your shopping experience with this merchant!

Thanks to Frugal Club member, Mercy, for sharing this resource guide to frugal home remedies. . Please remember to always consult your physician for care of serious medical conditions. Among the penny savvy and pain-saving cure-alls offered: ease a sore throat by mixing ¼ c of vinegar with ¼ c honey -take a tablespoon 6 times a day. The vinegar kills the bacteria and the honey soothes the pain.

Thanks also to Frugal Club member, Amber, for sharing a bit of her artistic side and a super savvy shopping tip: Visit - an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. If you’re into crafting, this might be the site where you can make your fortune!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fashion Swap Alert!

The success of the first clothing swap has inspired more sharing!!

Join the Frugal Club on Tuesday, March 31st, 12:00-1:00 pm for an accessory exchange! Bring your donations of previously adored items (belts, scarves, shoes, purses, etc.) to exchange with other members and jazz up your wardrobe the frugal way! Any unloved items remaining after the exchange will be donated to local charitable organizations. Hope to see you there!!

Frugal Parent Tip:

Frugal Club member Barb offers the following frugal advice for savvy savers with teens at home:

To save gas, wear and tear and maybe even a life, consider this when handing over the keys to your vehicle to teenage drivers:

* Keep a mileage log in the car. Drivers log their mileage and pay an actual rate per mile instead of filling the gas tank.
* Current government mileage-reimbursement rates are a good guide.

This means that:
* teenage drivers learn the real cost of using a vehicle when the mileage charge takes into account insurance and maintenance costs as well as gasoline used.
* drivers suddenly become careful about the distance they drive.
* you know how far they are driving.
* maintenance costs should decrease as fewer total miles are driven.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Clothing Swap!

REMINDER: Don't forget!!! Today is the first Frugal Club clothing swap!! Frugal members are encouraged to bring well-loved but still fabulous clothing to the exchange. Accessories are welcome too! You may very well come away with a new wardrobe!! Comments and suggestions regarding today's swap are encouraged!

Meeting Updates!

Cool links, great ideas, and topics of discussion at recent meetings:
  • Want to really see some money saved-check this out: First step, get your prescription form your doctor, then shop here for a great bargain on top quality eyeglasses. These glasses (a huge variety) only cost between $15 and $30.
  • Angel Food Ministries, At this site, you can purchase various pre-packed baskets of foods at reasonable prices. This is a church run organization-several churches in Marion County participate.
  • At a recent meeting, the group discusses the new supermarket, Aldi Foods (located on Easy Street near What-A-Burger). According to several frugal shoppers, there are certain foods that are very worthwhile (a gal of Milk is at least a buck cheaper than anywhere else) but there was minor concern over whether families used to brand named items would go for discounted brands. Further feedback on shopping experiences at Aldi is encouraged and appreciated.
  • At a recent meeting, Cara discussed selling/disposing of broken electronics on eBay, Craigslist, and Freecycle. Cara recently sold a broken iphone on eBay for $150. Also advertised a broken TV on Freecycle (repair costs exceeded its value) and someone hauled it away in a day.
  • Per Cara, is still proving semi-lucrative. She reports earning $14 in two weeks filling out surveys while watching TV!!!
  • Welcome new member: Tony Belden!! At his first meeting, our newest frugal pal offered several good ideas and back issues of Consumer Reports to peruse. Thanks, Tony!
  • REMINDER: Don't forget!!! The first Frugal Club clothing swap is next Tuesday, March 10th!! Frugal members are encouraged to bring well-loved but still fabulous clothing to the exchange. Accessories are welcome too! You may very well come away with a new wardrobe!